Sushant Singh Rajput was known for his roles in Bollywood films, and also on Indian Television where he became a household name in his first lead role of Manav in the hit TV show Pavitra Rishta which ran for 5 years. He has achieved his stardom and success in a short period of time, he worked on many films such as MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Chhichhore and Kedarnath which were critically acclaimed and commercially successful.
I don't have the knowledge of the exact value of Sushant Singh Rajput's assets, but as per some media reports at the time of his death he had an estimated net worth of about $3 million USD.
As for his personal relationships, he had reportedly been involved with several actresses in the industry, but I don't have the information about the girlfriends of Sushant singh Rajput, but it is not relevant to his case or his achievements.
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