Zagl maximum earning trick


What is zagl

This website let you short any link and then help you in running some money. You can copy any link of a video or a block page for Website then shot it on this website and every time you shared this link with someone you answer money so this is just simply copy paste and link sharing work that help you earn around $2 25 dollar per 1,000 link's open.

SELF click method

When someone is opening the link you are earning the money and some people try to open the link by themselves or their try some application like autolink reloader or VPN software or proxies to open the same link multiple times by their own.
And this method is call self click earning method and many videos on YouTube and many creators provide you with different ideas to do this trick and maximize your earning.


In some cases this trick mein work but in case of zagl what is the reality what is the honest review.
This website have some limitations only links open from unique IP address are are counted as click and if same link is opening from same IP address many times the link is not counted.

1. Unique IP address
Show the first problem is obtaining unique IP addresses if you want to do self click you need multiple IP address and you can open one link from one IP address only one time then it will be counted as a successful link opening otherwise it doesn't matter if you open save link hundred times of thousand times it is all just waste of time.

2. 15 second timers

These types of links shopping website comes with a timer of 15 second 5 second 3 second every time someone is opening the link there is a timer and after the timer is complete then the main link is available so if someone is not opening the main link and leaving the window before that 15 second the link is not counted so it is the requirement that people are going to open the main link after 15 second timer and then the link will be counted as successful click.

Problem with SELF CLICK

So what could be the problems with self click maybe you have a perfect software that can give you unlimited IP addresses but you can't click on main link after every 15 second this will require your full attention and time.
You can open some links 10 links for 50 links in a day but this earning is very low you need to open at least two or three thousand link everyday to earn around $5 to $10 otherwise it is of no worth.


So finally we can say that self click on this website is not worth of your time and you better use some safe and original methods to earn money from this website self click is not working here.
