Why Aiplex software pvt Ltd is sending strike to all YouTube channel and solution

 What is Aiplex software pvt Ltd

1. This company is climbing that it is managing all the rights of many movies and music videos so if you are using any movie clip or music clip in your YouTube video then it will send is strike and can delete your channel.

2. Even there is a small image from a movie Aiplex can send you strike so you need to be very careful otherwise you will get many style at once and your YouTube channel will get deleted.

3. It is a content management company which is hard to find which is hard to have any connection which is hard to have any email ID so if your channel is getting strike you can't connect them and even if you reply then you will not get any response from this company.

Why sending strike to All

1. Looks like they were sleeping all around the year but suddenly they woke up and check with a keywords search on YouTube now they find many videos for example they search for a movie name kick and they found many videos so maybe there is review of he there is a trailer of the year is just a image of maybe even a single second from the movie Kick then they will just send strike to all of the videos without you and checking what is in the video or what is not.

2. English case if you have only one video on your channel that is coming in them you are safe because only one video will not get your channel deleted but if by any chance you have three or four videos that have the copyright that is into the range of this company then your channel we get deleted because after 3 or 4 copyright is tag YouTube will directly delete your channel.


1. May your original content don't use any clip from any movie to keep yourself in future
2. If you get even a single copyright strike don't behind wait for the others just go to your channel and look carefully delete all the videos that can have any suspected copyright content
3. If you think that this video can get copyright strike then don't think don't take it trial just don't post that video give your channel safe for all the time.

